Join the Club

Apply now!


Why join?

  • Members don’t pay the visitor donation.
  • Members receive preferential booking on hikes where numbers are limited.
  • Members receive advance notice of upcoming hikes. The updated hiking schedule is emailed to members every two to three months.
  • Members are allowed to lead hikes.
  • Members form life-long friendships with other members.
  • Members enjoy reciprocity with The Johannesburg Hiking Club
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Apply for membership

Download the Membership Application Form, complete it and and send it to us. Contact and banking details are on the form.

Membership fees 2025

Membership is per calendar year from 1 January – 31 December. The annual subscription fee per adult is R180. Under 18’s pay a discounted rate of R100. Younger members are welcome.

Pay your fees

On receipt of the completed form and payment of the relevant subscription and entrance fees, you will be made a full member. Don’t forget to add YOUR SURNAME and SUBS as the payment reference. If you do not have EFT facilities, please add R10 per payment (if you are making a cash or cheque deposit) to cover bank charges.

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10 + 15 =

We look forward to having you join us on the mountain.